Política de Privacidad

Los corresponsables del tratamiento de sus datos personales son:

  • SENIORS FIRST, LTD (en adelante, “SENIORS FIRST”), con Número de Registro: 10321687, V.A.T: 270363124 y domicilio social en 483 Green Lanes, London, N134BS Reino Unido.
  • ANDARA SERVICIOS GENERALES, S.L. (en adelante, “ANDARA”), con N.I.F.: B-39830773 y domicilio social en Parque Empresarial de Moreno, Nº2, Bloque 13, Planta 3, Guarnizo, El Astillero, 39611, Cantabria, España.

Conjuntamente, SENIORS FIRST y ANDARA se consideran como “LOS CORRESPONSABLES”.

Le informamos que la titularidad de este Sitio Web y la App (en adelante, el “Sitio Web y la App”), es de SENIORS FIRST.

El acceso y/o uso del Sitio Web y la App, le atribuye la condición de Usuario Contratante que ofrece empleo a través del Sitio Web y la App (en adelante, el «Usuario Contratante«), como de Usuario cuidador que demanda empleo a través del Sitio Web y la App (en adelante, el “Usuario Cuidador”). Denominados conjuntamente como los “Usuarios”.

Los Usuarios podrán contactar con los Corresponsables en la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: dataprotection@seniorsfirst.co.uk 


La información personal recopilada por los Corresponsables a través del Sitio Web y la App, en algunos casos obligatoria y en otros opcional, es la información estrictamente necesaria para la prestación de sus servicios: conseguir al Usuario Cuidador un trabajo acorde a sus intereses o necesidades laborales y teniendo en cuenta su formación, experiencia laboral, características personales, proximidad y las demandas de los Usuarios Contratantes.

Los datos personales de los Usuarios Cuidadores recopilados para las finalidades antes descritas serán:

  • Nombres y apellidos.
  • Email.
  • Contraseña.
  • Datos de redes sociales (en caso de registro a través de redes sociales).
  • Sexo.
  • Fecha de nacimiento.
  • Nacionalidad.
  • Dirección.
  • Teléfono.
  • Formación y habilidades.
  • Áreas de especialización.
  • Experiencia profesional.
  • Referencias laborales de terceros.
  • Imagen, Video, voz (videocurrículum).
  • Aficiones, estilo de vida, intereses personales.

Los datos personales recopilados de los Usuarios Contratantes recopilados para las finalidades antes descritas serán:

  • Nombres y apellidos.
  • Email.
  • Contraseña.
  • Dirección.
  • Teléfono.
  • VAT.
  • Número de registro.
  • Logo.
  • Web del Usuario Contratante. 

LOS CORRESPONSABLES están legitimados para tratar sus datos para poder llevar a cabo la prestación de sus servicios.

LOS CORRESPONSABLES se toman muy en serio la protección de su privacidad y de sus datos personales. Por lo tanto, su información personal se conserva de forma segura y se trata con el máximo cuidado. 

La presente Política de Privacidad regula el acceso y el uso al servicio (en adelante, el “Servicio”) que LOS CORRESPONSABLES ponen a disposición de los Usuarios.

En este sentido, las bases de legitimación utilizadas por LOS CORRESPONSABLES para el tratamiento de los datos de los Usuarios son:

  • La ejecución contractual.
  • El consentimiento de los Usuarios al tratamiento de sus datos personales para las finalidades especificadas en cada caso.
  • El interés legítimo, en su caso.
  • El cumplimiento de determinadas obligaciones legales.

Sus datos de carácter personal recabados por LOS CORRESPONSABLES podrán ser utilizados para las siguientes finalidades, según el consentimiento otorgado en el formulario de registro correspondiente: 

  • La prestación de los servicios de LOS CORRESPONSABLES
    Para la prestación del servicio demandado por los Usuarios, LOS CORRESPONSABLES necesitarán tratar datos personales obtenidos a partir de la información que los mismos faciliten a LOS CORRESPONSABLES.
    Dentro de los servicios que prestan LOS CORRESPONSABLES se distinguen:
    • Tramitación del registro de los Usuarios que quieren hacer uso del Servicio.
    • Realización de una valoración de los perfiles registrados con la intención de facilitar la puesta en contacto de los Usuarios Cuidadores y Usuarios Contratantes a través de entrevistas de trabajo.
    • Resolución de todas las consultas de los Usuarios Cuidadores y Usuarios Contratantes.
    • Realización de las labores técnicas necesarias para garantizar el buen funcionamiento del Servicio.
    • El envío al Usuario Cuidador de herramientas para mejorar su perfil laboral.
    • La posibilidad de contactar por parte de los Usuarios Contratantes con antiguos empleadores de cara a conocer referencias previas relacionadas con la experiencia laboral del Usuario Cuidador.
    • Enviar comunicaciones del servicio de búsqueda de empleo mediante medios telemáticos como email, WhatsApp, etc. con el objetivo de indicar a los Usuarios los empleos existentes que se han encontrado en la prestación del servicio.
    • La búsqueda por parte del Usuario Contratante de Usuarios Cuidadores según sus exigencias, que presten los servicios solicitados.

Los Usuarios garantiza que los datos personales facilitados son veraces y se hace responsable de comunicar a LOS CORRESPONSABLES cualquier modificación de estos. El Usuario responderá, en cualquier caso, de la veracidad de los datos facilitados, reservándose LOS CORRESPONSABLES el derecho a excluir de los Servicios registrados a todo Usuario que haya facilitado datos falsos, sin perjuicio de las demás acciones que procedan en Derecho.

Los datos personales proporcionados se conservarán por parte de LOS CORRESPONSABLES mientras los Usuarios no manifiesten su voluntad de darse de baja de los servicios de LOS CORRESPONSABLES y, en todo caso, durante el plazo límite de 2 años, todo ello con la finalidad de recibir información sobre los servicios de la empresa. Posteriormente, en caso de ser necesario, LOS CORRESPONSABLES mantendrán la información bloqueada los plazos legalmente establecidos.

Transcurrido dicho plazo sin que los Usuarios hayan actualizado sus datos, la información será eliminada, conservándose únicamente aquellos datos que pudieran ser requeridos por otras normativas o administraciones públicas competentes, durante los plazos legalmente establecidos por las mismas. 

Los Usuarios tienen derecho a:

  • Derecho de acceso: los Usuarios tienen derecho a obtener confirmación e información sobre los datos personales que LOS CORRESPONSABLES estuviesen tratando sobre su persona.
  • Derecho de rectificación: los Usuarios pueden solicitar la rectificación de los datos inexactos, desactualizados, erróneos o incompletos.
  • Derecho de supresión: los Usuarios tienen derecho a solicitar a LOS CORRESPONSABLES que supriman o eliminen sus datos personales en algunas circunstancias cuando, entre otros motivos, los datos ya no sean necesarios para los fines que fueron recogidos o si retira su consentimiento (en relación con los tratamientos basados en el mismo).
  • Derecho de oposición: los Usuarios tienen derecho a oponerse a un tratamiento concreto de datos, por ejemplo, el envío de información comercial.
  • Derecho a la limitación del tratamiento: los Usuarios pueden solicitar a LOS CORRESPONSABLES, en determinadas circunstancias, que limiten transitoriamente el tratamiento los datos personales facilitados, por ejemplo, cuando impugne la exactitud de dichos datos personales o se oponga al tratamiento en cuyo caso únicamente se conservarán para el ejercicio o la defensa de reclamaciones.
  • Derecho a la portabilidad de los datos: los Usuarios tienen derecho, en el caso de tratamientos efectuados por medios automatizados, a obtener datos personales que haya proporcionado (en un formato estructurado, de uso común y lectura mecánica) así como a solicitar que se transmitan a otra entidad responsable del tratamiento, cuando ello sea técnicamente posible.

Los Usuarios pueden ejercer todos estos derechos ante LOS CORRESPONSABLES en la siguiente dirección de email dataprotection@seniorsfirst.co.uk indicando el motivo de su petición y aportando una copia de su D.N.I.

Los Usuarios pueden también enviar su petición por correo ordinario a las siguientes direcciones: 

  • Número de Registro: 10321687.
  • V.A.T: 270363124.
  • 483 Green Lanes, London, London, N13 4BS, United Kingdom.
    Polígono Industrial de Morero, 2 – BL. 13 PISO 3,  el Astillero, 39610, Cantabria

Sin perjuicio de cualquier otro recurso administrativo o acción judicial, los Usuarios tendrán derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una Autoridad de Control, en particular en el Estado miembro en el que tenga su residencia habitual, lugar de trabajo o lugar de la supuesta infracción, en caso de que considere que el tratamiento de sus datos personales no es adecuado a la normativa, así como en el caso de no ver satisfecho el ejercicio de sus derechos. La autoridad de control ante la que se haya presentado la reclamación informará al reclamante sobre el curso y el resultado de la reclamación.

La protección de la privacidad y los datos personales de los Usuarios es muy importante para LOS CORRESPONSABLES. Por lo tanto, LOS CORRESPONSABLES hacen todo lo que está en su mano para impedir que sus datos se utilicen de forma inadecuada, permitiendo el acceso a los mismos únicamente a personal autorizado.

LOS CORRESPONSABLES mantienen los niveles de seguridad de protección de datos personales conforme a la normativa aplicable y ha establecido todos los medios técnicos a su alcance para evitar la pérdida, mal uso, alteración, acceso no autorizado y robo de los datos que el Usuario facilite a través del Sitio Web y la App sin perjuicio de informarle de que las medidas de seguridad en Internet no son inexpugnables.

LOS CORRESPONSABLES se comprometen a cumplir con el deber de secreto y confidencialidad respecto de los datos personales de acuerdo con la legislación aplicable, así como a conferirles un tratamiento seguro en las cesiones y transferencias internacionales de datos que, en su caso, puedan producirse.

En este caso, no se producirán transferencias internacionales de datos. Los servidores son gestionados por AMAZON WEB SERVICES, INC, sociedad ubicada en los Estados Unidos pero que en la actualidad se encuentra adherida a las normativas europeas de Privacidad y Protección de Datos y registrados en el PRIVACY CHIELD LIST: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000TOWQAA4&status=Active 

En aquellos servicios del Sitio Web y la App que precisen registrarse como Usuario, se deberá elegir una contraseña. Los Usuarios son los responsables de mantener la confidencialidad de esta contraseña, así como de todas las actividades que ocurran en la sesión iniciada con su nombre y contraseña.

El Usuario se compromete a notificar LOS CORRESPONSABLES a la mayor brevedad el uso no autorizado de su nombre de Usuario y/o contraseña o cualquier otro fallo en la seguridad. LOS CORRESPONSABLES no serán responsables por los daños o pérdidas que se pudieran originar debido al no cumplimiento de esta obligación por parte del Usuario.

LOS CORRESPONSABLES se reservan el derecho de revisar su Política de Privacidad en el momento que consideren oportuno. Por esta razón, le rogamos que compruebe de forma regular esta Política de Privacidad para leer la versión más reciente de la misma. 

No obstante, cualquier cambio que se produzca en la presente Política de Privacidad se comunicará al Usuario. 

EL Sitio Web y la App de LOS CORRESPONSABLES podría contener links a páginas web de compañías y entidades de terceros. LOS CORRESPONSABLES no puede hacerse responsable de la forma en la que estas compañías tratan la protección de la privacidad y de los datos personales, por lo que le aconsejamos que lea detenidamente las declaraciones de Política de Privacidad de estas páginas web que no son propiedad de LOS CORRESPONSABLES con relación al uso, procesamiento y protección de datos personales.

Las condiciones que ofrecen estas páginas web pueden no ser las mismas que las que ofrece LOS CORRESPONSABLES.

Si tienen alguna pregunta sobre esta Política de Privacidad o el tratamiento de sus datos rogamos que se ponga en contacto con LOS CORRESPONSABLES mediante correo electrónico dirigido a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: dataprotection@seniorsfirst.co.uk

Asimismo, a continuación les informamos de los datos de contacto de nuestro Delegado de Protección de Datos, con el que pueden contactar para cualquier cuestión relativa al tratamiento de sus datos personales:


Los usuarios declaran haber sido informado de las condiciones sobre protección de datos personales, aceptando y consintiendo el tratamiento de estos por parte de LOS CORRESPONSABLES, en la forma y para las finalidades indicadas en la presente Política de Privacidad.

Privacy Policy

The joint controllers of the processing of your personal data are:

  • SENIORS FIRST, LTD (hereinafter, “SENIORS FIRST”), with Registration Number: 10321687, V.A.T: 270363124 and registered office at 483 Green Lanes, London, N134BS UK.
  • ANDARA SERVICIOS GENERALES, S.L. (hereinafter, «ANDARA»), with N.I.F .: B-39830773 and registered office at Parque Empresarial de Moreno, Nº2, Block 13, Planta 3, Guarnizo, El Astillero, 39611, Cantabria, Spain.

Together, SENIORS FIRST and ANDARA are considered «THE CONTROLLERS».

We inform you that the ownership of this Website and the App (hereinafter, the “Website and the App”), belongs to SENIORS FIRST.

The access and / or use of the Website and the App, attributes the condition of Contracting User who offers employment through the Website and the App (hereinafter, the «Contracting User»), as a caregiver User who demands employment from through the Website and the App (hereinafter, the «Caregiver User»). Jointly known as the «Users».

Users may contact the Joint Controllers at the following email address: dataprotection@seniorsfirst.co.uk

The personal information collected by the Controllers through the Website and the App, in some cases mandatory and in others optional, is the information strictly necessary for the provision of their services: to get the Caregiver User a job according to their interests or work needs and taking into account their training, work experience, personal characteristics, proximity and the demands of the Contracting Users.

The personal data of the Caregiver Users collected for the purposes described above will be:

  •  Names and surnames.
  • Email.
  • Password.
  • Social network data (in case of registration through social networks).
  • Sex.
  • Birthdate.
  • Nationality.
  • Address.
  • Telephone.
  • Training and skills.
  • Areas of expertise.
  • Professional experience.
  • Labor references of third parties.
  • Image, Video, voice (video curriculum).
  • Hobbies, lifestyle, personal interests.

The personal data collected from the Contracting Users collected for the purposes described above will be:

  • Names and surnames.
  • E-mail.
  • Password.
  • Address.
  • Telephone.
  • VAT.
  • Registry number.
  • Logo.
  • Contracting User Website.

THE CONTROLLERS are entitled to process your data in order to carry out the provision of their services.

THE CONTROLLERS take the protection of your privacy and your personal data very seriously. Therefore, your personal information is kept secure and handled with the utmost care.

This Privacy Policy regulates access and use of the service (hereinafter, the «Service») that THE CORRESPONDENTS make available to Users.

In this sense, the legitimation bases used by THE CORRESPONSIBLE for the treatment of User data are:

  • The contractual performance.
  • The consent of the Users to the processing of their personal data for the purposes specified in each case.
  • The legitimate interest, if any.
  • Compliance with certain legal obligations.

Your personal data collected by THE CORRESPONDENTS may be used for the following purposes, according to the consent granted in the corresponding registration form:

  • The provision of the services of THE CORRESPONSIBLE.
    For the provision of the service demanded by the Users, THE CONTROLLERS will need to process personal data obtained from the information that they provide to THE CONTROLLERS.
    Among the services provided by THE CORRESPONDENTS, the following are distinguished:
    • Processing of the registration of Users who want to use the Service.
    • Carrying out an assessment of the registered profiles with the intention of facilitating the contact between the Caregiver Users and Contracting Users through job interviews.
    • Resolution of all inquiries from Caregiver Users and Contracting Users.
    • Carrying out the necessary technical tasks to guarantee the proper functioning of the Service.
    • Sending the Caregiver User tools to improve her work profile.
    • The possibility of contacting by the Contracting Users with former employers in order to know previous references related to the work experience of the Caregiver User.
    • Sending messages from the job search service by telematic means such as email, WhatsApp, etc. with the aim of indicating to the Users the existing jobs that have been found during the provision of the service.
    • The search by the Contracting User for Caregiver Users according to their requirements, to provide the requested services.

The Users guarantee that the personal data provided is true and is responsible for communicating to THE CONTROLLERS any modification of these. The User will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided, the CORRESPONDENTS reserving the right to exclude from the registered Services any User who has provided false data, without prejudice to the other actions that proceed in Law.

The personal data provided will be kept by THE CORRESPONSIBLE as long as the Users do not express their willingness to unsubscribe from the CORRESPONSIBLE services and, in any case, for a period of 2 years, all for the purpose of receiving information. about the company’s services. Subsequently, if necessary, THE CONTROLLERS will keep the information blocked for the legally established deadlines.

After this period has elapsed without the Users having updated their data, the information will be eliminated, keeping only those data that may be required by other regulations or competent public administrations, during the periods legally established by them.

Users have the right to:

  • Right of access: Users have the right to obtain confirmation and information about the personal data that THE CONTROLLERS are dealing with about their person.
  • Right of rectification: Users can request the rectification of inaccurate, outdated, erroneous or incomplete data.
  • Right of deletion: Users have the right to request THE CORRESPONDENTS to delete or eliminate their personal data in some circumstances when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or if they withdraw their consent (in relation to treatments based on it).
  • Right of opposition: Users have the right to object to a specific data processing, for example, the sending of commercial information.
  • Right to limitation of treatment: Users may request THE CONTROLLERS, in certain circumstances, to temporarily limit the processing of the personal data provided, for example, when they contest the accuracy of said personal data or oppose the treatment in which case only will be kept for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • Right to data portability: Users have the right, in the case of treatments carried out by automated means, to obtain personal data that they have provided (in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format) as well as to request that they be transmitted to another entity responsible for the treatment, when this is technically possible.

Users can exercise all these rights before THE CONTROLLERS at the following email address dataprotection@seniorsfirst.co.uk indicating the reason for their request and providing a copy of their D.N.I.

Users can also send their request by ordinary mail to the following addresses:

  • Registration Number: 10321687.
  • V.A.T: 270363124.
  • 483 Green Lanes, London, London,
    N13 4BS, United Kingdom.
    Polígono Industrial de Morero, 2 – BL. 13 FLOOR 3, el Astillero, 39610, Cantabria

Without prejudice to any other administrative remedy or legal action, Users will have the right to file a claim with a Control Authority, in particular in the Member State in which they have their habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, in in case you consider that the processing of your personal data is not adequate to the regulations, as well as in the case of not being satisfied with the exercise of your rights. The supervisory authority to which the claim has been submitted will inform the claimant about the course and result of the claim.

The protection of the privacy and the personal data of the Users is very important for THE CONTROLLERS. Therefore, THE CONTROLLERS do everything in their power to prevent their data from being used improperly, allowing access to them only to authorized personnel.

THE CONTROLLERS maintain the security levels of protection of personal data in accordance with the applicable regulations and have established all the technical means at their disposal to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data that the User provides to Through the Website and the App, without prejudice to informing you that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

THE CONTROLLERS undertake to comply with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality with respect to personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation, as well as to grant them a secure treatment in the international assignments and transfers of data that, where appropriate, may occur.

In this case, international data transfers will not occur. The servers are managed by AMAZON WEB SERVICES, INC, a company located in the United States but which is currently adhering to European Privacy and Data Protection regulations and registered in the PRIVACY CHIELD LIST:


In those services of the Website and the App that need to register as a User, a password must be chosen. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this password, as well as for all activities that occur in the session started with their name and password.

The User agrees to notify THE CONTROLLERS as soon as possible of the unauthorized use of their Username and / or password or any other security failure. THE CONTROLLERS will not be responsible for the damages or losses that could originate due to the non-fulfillment of this obligation by the User.

THE CONTROLLERS reserve the right to review their Privacy Policy at the time they deem appropriate. For this reason, we ask that you regularly check this Privacy Policy to read the most recent version of it.

However, any change that occurs in this Privacy Policy will be communicated to the User.

THE CORRESPONSIBLES ‘Website and App may contain links to the websites of third-party companies and entities.

LOS CORRESPONSABLES cannot be held responsible for the way in which these companies treat the protection of privacy and personal data, so we advise you to carefully read the Privacy Policy statements of these web pages that are not owned by LOS CORRESPONSIBLE in relation to the use, processing and protection of personal data.

The conditions offered by these web pages may not be the same as those offered by THE CORRESPONDENTS.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your data, please contact THE CONTROLLERS by email at the following email address: dataprotection@seniorsfirst.co.uk

Likewise, below we inform you of the contact details of our Data Protection Delegate, with whom you can contact for any question regarding the processing of your personal data:

Users declare to have been informed of the conditions on protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the processing of these by THE CORRESPONDENTS, in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy

The data controller responsible for processing your data are:

  • SENIORS FIRST CARE LLC, («SENIORS FIRST»), with registered office at 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE 19958.

The owner of this website and the associated Seniors First mobile application (the «Website and the App») is SENIORS FIRST CARE.

By accessing and/or using the Website and the App as well as any services offered through the Website and the App you (the “User,” “You,” “Your”) agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

THE DATA CONTROLLER collects information you may give to us directly via this Website and the App.

The categories of information include:

  • • Contact information, such as name and surname(s), email, address, and phone number
  • • Online identifiers, such as password or social media details (if registration is via social media)
  • • Certain protected characteristics under federal or California law, such as sex, nationality, or age/date of birth.
  • • Professional or employment-related information, such as evidence of training and skills, areas of expertise, work experience, and third-party references.
  • • Audio, electronic, visual, or similar information, such as images, videos, or voice recordings, as in a video CV.
  • • Profile information reflecting a consumer’s preferences, characteristics, or abilities, such as hobbies, lifestyle and personal interests.

Your personal data collected by THE DATA CONTROLLER may be used for the following purposes:

  • • To provide services requested by the User
  • • Processing the registration of Users who wish to use the Service.
  • • Evaluating the registered profiles with the intention of putting the User in contact with employers through job interviews.
  • • Answering all User enquiries.
  • • Carrying out the technical tasks necessary to guarantee the proper operation of the service.
  • • Sending tools to the User to enhance their employment profile.
  • • To market services to the User.
  • • To analyse the Website and the App’s usage and improve the services offered
  • • For market research, project planning, troubleshooting problems
  • • For detecting and protecting against error, fraud or other criminal activity

To Potential Employers with the User’s Consent. THE DATA CONTROLLER may share the User’s contact details as well as any educational or professional details and other information with our network of employers if you direct us to share your information with a particular employer or category of employers.

Affiliates and Service Providers. THE DATA CONTROLLER shares your information with our third-party service providers and any subcontractors as required to offer you our products and services.

Disclosures Required by Law. THE DATA CONTROLLER may be required to disclose your data in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet law enforcement requirements. We may be under a duty to disclose or share your personal information in order to comply with any legal obligation, to enforce or apply our terms and conditions and other agreements, to protect our rights, property, or safety, or the protect the rights, property, or safety of others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection.

Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. DNT is a way for users to inform websites and services that they do not want certain information about their webpage visits collected over time and across websites or online services. THE DATA CONTROLLER does not recognize or respond to browser-initiated DNT signals, as the Internet industry is currently still working toward defining exactly what DNT means, what it means to comply with DNT, and a common approach to responding to DNT.

To make our Sites and services work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, shopping cart, or other preferences) over a period of time, so you do not have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another. To learn more, please see our Cookie Policy.

Please contact us if you would like to request access and/or make any changes to your personal information.

Marketing Opt-Out. THE DATA CONTROLLER may use your personal information to contact you with newsletters, marketing or promotional materials and other information that may be of interest to you. The User may opt out of receiving any, or all, of these communications from us by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in any email we send, or you can contact us using the contact details provided in the “Contact Information” section below. The User will still continue to receive service-related messages concerning products and services you have purchased (unless we have indicated otherwise).

Exercising Your Privacy Rights. We have listed the privacy rights for several jurisdictions below, but we understand you may have additional rights in your jurisdiction. You may contact us directly at any time about exercising your data protection rights. We will consider your request in accordance with applicable laws.

California Privacy Rights

If you are a California consumer, you have the following rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA):

  • • The right to know what personal information is being collected about you.
  • • The right to know whether your personal information is sold or disclosed and to whom.
  • • The right to say no to the sale of personal information.
  • • The right to access your personal information.
  • • The right, in certain circumstances, to delete the information you have provided to us.
  • • The right to equal service and price, even if you exercise your privacy rights.

Request for Information and Deletion (CCPA). California consumers have the right to request, up to twice in a 12-month period, that a business that collects personal information about the consumer disclose to the consumer the information listed below for the preceding 12 months. We have the right to request verification of your identity for all requests for information.

    1. The categories of personal information it has collected about that consumer.
    2. The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected.
    3. The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information.
    4. The categories of third parties with whom the business shares personal information.
    5. The categories of personal information that the business sold about the consumer and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold, by category or categories of personal information for each third party to whom the personal information was sold.
    6. The categories of personal information that the business disclosed about the consumer for a business purpose.
    7. The specific pieces of personal information it has collected about that consumer.

To make such a request, please call us at + 1 917 6282247 or email us at dataprotection@seniorsfirst.care.

Do Not Sell My Personal Information (CCPA). California consumers have the right to opt out of the sale of the consumer’s personal information. We do not sell your email address, employment information, or other marketing information to third parties. However, under the CCPA, some sharing of personal information necessary to provide you with personalized ads may be considered a “sale,” even if no money is exchanged, such as our use of cookies and similar technologies. You may learn more about how to opt out of such personalized ads through our Cookie Policy.

Third Party Marketing. California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits you to request information regarding the disclosure of your personal information to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes. We do not disclose your personal information to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes.

Any data that you provide to us may be accessed, shared or processed by offices located in the United States or service providers located in the United States, if such data transfer is necessary for the specific purpose for which you submitted your data (such as the provision of goods or services under a written contract).

This may entail a transfer of your personal information across international borders. The data protections standards may differ and be lower than the standards enforced in your jurisdiction.

We maintain appropriate safeguards as required by applicable law for any personal information transferred internationally, and as required by applicable law, will seek your consent prior to such transfers.

The protection of the User’s privacy and personal data is very important for THE DATA CONTROLLER. Therefore, they take reasonable measures to prevent the User’s data from being used improperly, while only allowing authorised personnel to access said data.

THE DATA CONTROLLER observes data protection security standards in compliance with the applicable regulations and has established reasonable technical measures to prevent the loss, improper use, alteration, unauthorised access or theft of the details provided by the User via the Website and the App. However, no website, application, or transmission can guarantee security. Thus, while we have established and maintain what we believe to be reasonable procedures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of personal information obtained through the Website and the App, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us.

THE DATA CONTROLLER agrees to comply with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality regarding personal data in accordance with applicable regulations and to process said data securely in any international data transfers which may occur, if applicable.

For services on the Website and the App which require the User to register, a password must be chosen. The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this password, as well as for any activities in any sessions after having logged in with their username and password.

The User agrees to report the unauthorised use of their username and/or password or any other breach of security to THE DATA CONTROLLER as soon as possible. THE DATA CONTROLLER will not be liable for any damages or losses which may occur due to the User failing to comply with this obligation.

THE DATA CONTROLLER will retain the User’s personal data unless the User expresses their desire to unsubscribe from the services of THE DATA CONTROLLER or for a period of two years otherwise. Once this period has elapsed, and if the User has not updated their data to reset the two-year retention period, this information will be removed from the system. However, personal data required to be retained by other regulations or competent public authorities will be retained for the periods established by said authorities.

The Website and the App are not directed at individuals under the age of 16. THE DATA CONTROLLER does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16. If you become aware that a child has provided us with personal information, please contact us using the contact details provided in the “Contact Information” section below. If THE DATA CONTROLLER become aware that a child under 16 has provided us with personal information, we will take steps to delete such information.

Personal information may be transferred to a third party as a result of a sale, acquisition, merger, reorganization or other change in control. If THE DATA CONTROLLER sells, merges or transfers any part of the business, part of the sale may include your personal information.

THE DATA CONTROLLER reserves the right to review and revise their Privacy Policy whenever they deem appropriate. Therefore, please check this Privacy Policy regularly to read the most recent version.

The Website and the App of THE DATA CONTROLLER may contain links to websites of third-party companies and entities. THE DATA CONTROLLER may not be held liable for how these companies deal with the protection of privacy and personal data, so please carefully read the Privacy Policy statements of any websites not owned by THE DATA CONTROLLER to learn about the use, processing and protection of personal data by external websites.

The terms and conditions offered by these websites may not be the same as those offered by THE DATA CONTROLLER.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your data, please send an email to THE DATA CONTROLLER on dataprotection@seniorsfirst.care

The User may also send their enquiries by post to the following addresses:

16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE 19958.